Turta Documentation
Here you'll find hardware info, installation guidelines, library manual, examples and troubleshooting documentation.
Raspberry Pi HATs
IoT HAT 3Relay HAT 2Relay uHATRC Driver HATModular HATSensor uHATLoRa HATProto HATProto uHATIoT Boards
IoT Node - ESP32Modular Sensors and Devices
Accel & Tilt ModuleAmbient Light & Gesture ModuleBuzzer Button ModuleDo-It-Yourself ModuleEnvironmental ModuleIR Remote ModulePhotocoupler ModulePIR Motion ModuleSolid State Relay ModuleTemp RH ModuleArduino Shields
MKR Motor ShieldMKR Sensor ShieldRelay ShieldHow-tos
Raspberry PiLast updated