Temp RH Module

This documentation includes hardware info, installation guidelines and sample code for your hardware.

Overall Info

Turta Temp & RH Module is temperature and relative humidity sensing add-on board. It carries ST HTS221 digital sensor. HTS221 includes a sensing element and a mixed signal ASIC to provide the measurement information through a digital serial interface. This sensor is factory calibrated, so there is no need for manual calibration.


Module Connections

  • I2C: SCL and SDA.

  • INT: Data ready out.

  • POWER: +3.3V and GND.


HTS221's technical specifications are as follows:

  • 0 to 100% relative humidity range.

  • Humidity accuracy: ± 3.5% rH, 20 to 80% rH (± 5% rH, 0 to 100% rH)

  • Operating temperature range: -40 to 120 °C

  • Temperature accuracy: ± 0.5 °C,15 to +40 °C

  • Factory calibrated.

Compatible Hardware

Temp & RH Module is an add-in board for Turta Modular System. You'll need a compatible host device for your module. The following devices support Temp & RH Module:

  • Turta IoT Node - ESP32

  • Turta Modular HAT for Raspberry Pi

The temperature sensor is sensitive to surrounding temperatures. It is recommended to avoid overloading host device to keep it cool. So please ensure air flow to the sensor, e.g., open enough ventilation holes for the sensor and the host board. Besides, relative humidity is being calculated by using temperature reading. So, the temperature is also affecting relative humidity readings.

Last updated