LED Lights Sample

This sample demonstrates controlling LED lighting.

To run the sample:

  1. Copy the sample code to a folder on the Raspberry Pi.

  2. Open terminal, and then go to the folder you copied the sample.

  3. Run the sample with the following command:

python3 LED_Lights.py

Sample Code

#!/usr/bin/env python3

#This sample demonstrates controlling LED lighting.
#Install RC Driver HAT library with "pip3 install turta-rcdriverhat"

from time import sleep
from turta_rcdriverhat import Turta_RCDriver

rc = Turta_RCDriver.RCDriver()

    #Activate fan at 50% speed

    while True:
        #Option one: Set all the LED lights in one shot
        #0 is LED off, 4095 is LED full bright
        #Parameters: Front, Read, Stop, Left, Right
        rc.set_leds([1000, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000])
        print("LED Brightness: 1000/4096")


        #Option two: Set the LED lights one by one
        #0 is LED off, 4095 is LED full bright
        rc.set_led(Turta_RCDriver.LED_OUT.FRONT, 2000)
        rc.set_led(Turta_RCDriver.LED_OUT.REAR, 2000)
        rc.set_led(Turta_RCDriver.LED_OUT.STOP, 2000)
        rc.set_led(Turta_RCDriver.LED_OUT.LEFT, 2000)
        rc.set_led(Turta_RCDriver.LED_OUT.RIGHT, 2000)
        print("LED Brightness: 2000/4096")


        #Showcase: Fade the front LED
        print("LED is fading in")
        for b in range(0, 1000, 5):
            rc.set_led(Turta_RCDriver.LED_OUT.FRONT, b)

        print("LED is fading out")
        for b in range(1000, 0, -5):
            rc.set_led(Turta_RCDriver.LED_OUT.FRONT, b)


#Exit on CTRL+C
except KeyboardInterrupt:


When you run the sample, it demonstrates different LED brightnesses. The program fades front LED in and out. The example output should be like this:

LED Brightness: 1000/4096
LED Brightness: 2000/4096
LED is fading in
LED is fading out

To stop the Python script, just press CTRL + C.

Last updated