#!/usr/bin/env python3
#This sample demonstrates toggling the solid state relays.
#Do not toggle dc motors or solenoids frequently.
#Install IoT HAT 3 library with "pip3 install turta-iothat3"
from time import sleep
from turta_iothat3 import Turta_Relay
relay = Turta_Relay.RelayController()
while True:
#Option one: Toggle the relays with 'write' method
#Turn relay 1 on
relay.write(1, True)
#Print relay 1 state
print("Relay 1 State...: " + ("On." if relay.read(1) else "Off."))
#Turn relay 1 off
relay.write(1, False)
#Print relay 1 state
print("Relay 1 State...: " + ("On." if relay.read(1) else "Off."))
#Option two: Toggle the relays with 'toggle' method
#Each method call inverts the relay's state
#Toggle relay 2
#Print relay 2 state
print("Relay 2 State...: " + ("On." if relay.read(2) else "Off."))
#Exit on CTRL+C
except KeyboardInterrupt:
When you run the sample, it switches the relays and prints their states. The example output should be like this:
Relay 1 State...: On.
Relay 1 State...: Off.
Relay 2 State...: On.
Relay 1 State...: On.
Relay 1 State...: Off.
Relay 2 State...: Off.
To stop the Python script, just press CTRL + C.